Every time I buy a Dunny, I vow to myself it will be my last. But alas, some new series comes along that I can't resist splurging on. This time around KidRobot announced the "Dunny Apocalypse" series.
There were definitely some heavy hitters in this series, including Ron English, Joe Ledbetter, and Huck Gee. To be honest, there really wasn't one design that I didn't like. I called up my buddy Nick to see if he'd be game to tag along. He was more than down. It also turns out that artist Huck Gee was going to be in attendance at Kidrobot SF to sign his figure and a limited run of prints.
We decided to head up to the city early to beat the rush hour traffic. When we got there, we bought our case of Dunnys to secure a set. With a series like this in limited quantities, you can't take any chances.

We headed over to one of my favorite creperies on Haight to grub and open our case up. Because we split a case of sixteen blind boxes, we basically opened one at a time picking boxes at random. I pulled a Huck Gee, Ryniac, Joe Ledbetter, JPK, Kronk, Jermaine Rogers, and Ron English. I ended up getting all the ones that I wanted.
We walked around for about an hour then headed back to KRSF to wait for Huck to arrive for the signing. Inside tons of people were opening up case after case searching for the rare figures and mystery variants in the series.

Around 5pm we headed outside to wait in line. I had brought along a few items I wanted to get signed by Huck including one of his newest pieces the "Skullslinger."
We waited close to an hour and a half before Huck finally drove past the store in his white Subaru STI hatchback. Because we were towards the front of the line, we were in the first group to head inside.

Inside, we patiently waited our turn to meet the creative genius whose work we admire so much. I've met Huck before, but for my buddy Nick, it was a whole new experience. It's such a cool feeling meeting the man behind the art. It just gives his pieces a more personal touch.

Huck happily signed all the things we threw his way, including a 7" Munny Nick had picked up. We chatted about instagram, cars, and his next series of vinyl toys coming out. He's got some cool things in the works.

After we had said our goodbyes, we headed back out into the world smiling ear to ear. It sounds lame, but it's just so cool when artists reach out to meet and hang out with their fans. Huck is one of the coolest most down to earth dudes as well as an extremely talented artist to boot. All I can say is I can't wait for the next release.