This past weekend end, artist Huck Gee held another one of his Instagram contests. Before I go on, I forgot to write about his last contest on here, but that was a blast as well. I ended up placing and getting a set of awesome prints designed by Huck himself. Back to the story. Huck posted that he would have a contest where the only restriction was to shoot a photo of his "Gold Life" series dunnys. This wouldn't be too hard considering I had the entire set, minus a few of the rares.
I spent all of Sunday formulating some rough ideas. Nothing I was coming up really stood out as an entry that would have a good shot. Looking over my figures, I noticed one had a great little gold mask on. I though it might be cool if I incorporate a photo where it shows both personalities of the figure; a masked hero and a pensive commoner.
I set out sometime around golden hour (an hour before sunset). I borrowed my friend Eric's 100-400mm to get a great shallow focus shot with that cream smooth bokeh in the background and foreground. After finding my location, the final shot took maybe five minutes to shoot. The red/orange from the sunset really gave the image a nice warm look to it. For editing, I simply cut the reflection out of one and overlaid it on top of the other. Pretty happy with the final image!
Also here is the high quality version.

And here is the post on Huck's blog about the winners. I was stoked that I had one another one of his contests. I was worried he would rule me out because I won an earlier contest. The other plus was the grand prize was a $50 gift card to a business card site. I've been meaning to get business cards made for awhile now, but winning this means I can't procrastinate any longer.

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