Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Valentine's Day Came Early.

For this year's Valentine's Day, I was trying to figure out some presents my girlfriend would enjoy. I finally decided on some Guava Ginseng tea that we've both been craving ever since we left Hawaii and a few vinyl toys that she's hinted at. As you probably already noticed, it's not quite Valentine's Day, but yet I'm revealing my gifts. You see, my girlfriend and I suck at waiting to give gifts to each other. The day we get their present in the mail is usually the same day we give it to them. We just find it too hard to wait.

In past conversations, my girlfriend has mentioned her fascination with the vinyl toys known as "Lunartiks." It's hard to say exactly what the figures are based on, but they look like little aliens poking their heads out of cups of tea. Each figure is called by a different type of tea (i.e. Earl Grey, Cinnamon, Berry, etc.). They come in individually wrapped blind boxes, so there really is no say in which character you get. I thought it'd be fun to get two just so we have better odds of getting a cool one.

When they arrived, we each picked a box to open. I went first. I got Cinnamon. Next was Jenny's turn. She pulled out a gray figure with pink eyes. We searched on the box, but could not find that particular figure. A quick google search concluded that she had just pulled the rarest from the set. She pulled "Lady Grey" with a 1:80 ration. Talk about good luck!

While searching for the Lunartiks on various sites, I came across quite possibly one of the coolest vinyl pieces I've seen in awhile. There's no better way of describing it than calling it the vinyl toy version of me. It has the same grin and mop-top hairstyle as me! I figured my girlfriend would appreciate it so I added it to my cart.

Flowers for You.

She loved it. The quality of this toy was top notch. The figure also included a cloth sewn backpack as well as a little red wagon. I love when things come with accessories. Yet another cool piece to add to the ever expanding collection.

As with all my recent toys, a mandatory photo session followed.

Hi. I'm Doug.

Wagon Full of Lavender.

Afternoon Stroll

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