Wednesday, February 23, 2011

New Old Things.

Jenny and I cleaned up the garage the other day because we'll be shooting a scene for my film this coming Sunday. It was actually very therapeutic. Every time we park our cars in the garage we promise ourselves that we'll clean up the ever increasing mess, but for some reason or another it never ends up happening. So this past Monday (President's Day) we spent a good majority of the day cleaning up and organizing everything. I'm pretty sure this is how the Presidents of the past would want us to celebrate their special day.

Upon cleaning up some old junk I've been holding onto in the garage, I came across a cool little gem I had forgotten about. It was an old 2006 Lego Exo-Force set. Sadly, this is the last Lego I own because I sold all of my other Legos on craigslist. I should have held on to them in case I could have passed them down to my kids one day. Oh well.

I no longer had the instructions so I found them online. Lego actually has an online database with instructions for every Lego created. I pieced the robot together in no more than five minutes. I forgot what a cool set this was. My new but old lego robot now has a home on my already over-cluttered desk. There's no way I'm going to sell this awesome guy like I did with my other sets. THis one is here to stay.

On a related note, here are some simply amazing Lego creations I favorited over on Flickr.

Little Red Riding Hood - 01

Do you play croquet?

1.21 Gigawatts!!!


This is Thriller

Radio Tower

Lego iPad

Mini Pok

The Last Crusade

The Shining

Lunch Atop a Skyscraper

Death of a Loyalist Soldier

The Third of May 1808

Igor Stravinsky

Anti-Empire protest

Tiananmen Square

Boyd Fortin, thirteen years old, Sweetwater, Texas, 1979

Nastassja Kinski and the Serpent

Dalí Atomicus

That's all for now. Have a nice day!

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