Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Source of Inspiration.

Today, I decided to check my YouTube messages and came across this awesome little note:

"Hey Doug, ive been following your work now for the last few weeks and each one of them are amazing in their own way. I'm only 17 and currently a year 12 student down in Australia which is our final year of schooling and for our media subject we are required to produce a short film due around november and i am currently looking into any ideas i can, i just have to say that your videos have inspired me the most and ive put together a few ideas inspired by segments of your work. I just wanted to say thankyou and if you can give me any tips that would be great, i love the film aspect of media and i wish to pursue it further as an occupation hopefully. My only video on my account was created when i was at the age of 14 from memory my first ever film and sice then have only created 2 more. Thanks a lot and i will let you know when i have finished this piece i will be working on although it will not be ready for a matter of months.


I really like what sites like YouTube and Flickr have done. They allow their users to look at different artists' work from all over the world. It's great to know that I can be a source of inspiration to someone thousands of miles away in Australia.

Here's a film Chris made when he was 14 entitled "Real Life Pacman." Great work buddy, keep it up!

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