KAWS, one of my all time favorite artists, announced a new toy this past month. It was one of those instant must haves. I've always been keeping my eye out for KAWS's companion figurines, but there's no way I could ever justify spending $1,000+ on one.

Word got out that the next release would be KAWS's classic companion figure in a sit down pose. News spread like wildfire, and all the collectors began foaming at the mouth. This was a big deal, especially considering the last few releases were a bit of a let down. I put my pre-order in early to guarantee a figure. I had to wait a bit, but it was well worth it.

The place I ordered it from actually hand delivered the item to my address. Talk about customer service! Big shout out to all the dudes over at Purist, one of the only official OrignalFake retailers in California.
As with all new toys, a photo shoot ensued...

While on the topic of toys, I also found a great deal on the sold out "Skullslinger" figure by artist Huck Gee. I was bummed that I wasn't able to order one online, but sure enough after the dust had settled, I was able to find it for below retail. Yet another great Huck piece to add to my collection.

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