Friday afternoon around sunset, Ben, Jenny, and I headed North on Highway 1 along the coast just as the sun was setting. Ben drove his car while Jenny leaned out to snap some photos of my car. After some time, we turned around and swapped positions so that I could take a few rolling shots of my friend Ben's Versa. Here's one of my favs that Jenny shot.

After this, we dropped my car off back at home, grabbed Jenny's '93 Miata, and headed to a nearby parking lot. Along with trying to the get the hang of Jenny's stick shift, we just hung out and snapped some more photos. The photo below is one fo my favorites. In order to achieve the shot I had to be in Jenny's trunk hanging my camera and fisheye out as far as it could go. Not to mention I was attempting to shoot each frame at 1/10 of a second while she was turning around the light post. Not as sharp as i would have liked, but I love the feeling of movement in the frame. Looks almost like she's drifting around the corner.

Had a great time last night, hope to do it again after I get some more stuff for my car!